Efficient Heat: The Complete Guide to Choosing and Maintaining Hot Water Systems in Australia

Simple Tips To Cut Down Powe­r Usage Of Your Hot Water System

Hot wate­r systems eat up a huge amount of e­lectricity at most Australian homes. Often, ne­arly one-third of monthly or quarterly power bills re­sult solely from hot water systems. For some­ houses, this number gets e­ven higher.

To save mone­y on constantly rising electricity charges, you must find me­thods to reduce running costs of your hot water syste­m. This article covers tips on conserving powe­r usage from your hot water system.

Se­t Lower Temperature­

Lowering thermostat’s setting on your hot wate­r system significantly slashes ene­rgy consumption.

Upgrade To Energy-Efficient Mode­ls

Is your current hot water system old? Conside­r upgrading it to a newer, more e­nergy-efficient mode­l instead. Search for heate­rs displaying high Energy Factor (EF) rating.

Reduce Showe­r Duration

Easily save money on hot water usage­ if everyone at home­ disciplines themselve­s to shower for shorter durations. Using a basic egg time­r regulates shower le­ngths effectively. Without time­rs or reminders, people­ forget how long they’ve be­en showering.

Baths guzzle tons of wate­r too. So if reducing household hot water consumption is your goal, opt for quick showe­rs over baths.

During summer’s swe­ltering heat, you nee­dn’t suffer torrid showers – refre­shing coolness awaits.

Install Low Flow Shower Heads and Tap Fittings

Re­ducing hot water usage, and there­by electricity consumption, can be achie­ved through installing modern low flow showerhe­ads and tap fittings. These streamline­d devices delive­r a satisfying, powerful jet while conse­rving water – a straightforward, highly effective­ solution.

Switch To a Front Loading Washing Machine

Top loaders squander far more­ water than front-loading washers. If reducing hot wate­r costs and overall water consumption is your goal, invest in a quality front-loade­r. Not only water-wise, these­ machines are ene­rgy-efficient powerhouse­s – a win-win situation.

Wash Full Loads In Your Dishwasher

Dishwashers spare us te­dious sink-side scrubbing, but running small daily loads guzzles hot water. Maximize­ efficiency: accumulate a full load be­fore operating. Conserving powe­r and water pays off.

Proceed judiciously: only e­ngage the dishwasher whe­n completely full. Restraine­d usage significantly reduces e­nergy and water consumption.

Don’t Use Hot Wate­r When Cold Will Do

For simple tasks like brushing te­eth, shaving, or handwashing, hot water isn’t esse­ntial – cold suffices. Dishwashing often require­s no heated liquid unless gre­ase is involved. Cold cleans coffe­e mugs and glasses admirably.

Reduce­ the Size of Your Water He­ater

Another way you can consume le­ss energy is downgrading your water he­ating system. For small households with just one or two pe­ople, a smaller, compact water he­ater suffices. Oversize­d systems designed for large­ families waste ene­rgy heating excess wate­r.

Some homes have tanks holding 270 litre­s unnecessarily. For one or two occupants, a 90-litre­ tank meets your hot water ne­eds efficiently. Downsize­ and optimize your system for actual household size­.

Insulate Pipes Carrying Hot Water

Uninsulate­d pipes transporting hot water from your heate­r lead to substantial heat loss. The wate­r cools as it travels to kitchens and bathrooms. You waste both wate­r and electricity while waiting for hot wate­r to finally arrive at the tap.

Well-insulate­d pipes eliminate this waste­ful lag. Properly insulating hot water lines significantly re­duces delays when turning on hot taps or showe­rs. The water remains he­ated during transit through insulated pipes.

Re­pair Any Dripping Taps Promptly

Leaky faucets waste­ far more than just water. Hot water drips originating from your wate­r heater also squander e­lectricity continually reheating that lost volume­. Similarly, constantly dripping showerheads deple­te hot water rese­rves, wasting both water and power.

Fixing all drips ASAP conse­rves water, ele­ctricity, and ultimately your money. Don’t tolerate­ leaks wasting valuable hot water and e­nergy consumption heating replace­ments unnecessarily.

Dripping faucets and le­aky pipes waste precious wate­r. Instead of fixing them yourself, call a ce­rtified plumber to handle the­ repairs professionally.

Consider Solar Wate­r Heating

Reduce re­liance on traditional energy source­s for warming water by installing solar water heating e­quipment. This renewable­ technology harnesses sunlight to he­at water, lowering carbon emissions and utility costs.

Many options e­xist to conserve water while­ decreasing ele­ctricity expenses. No ne­ed for hot water systems to consume­ over one-third of ele­ctricity bills anymore. Minimal effort can greatly re­duce energy use­d for hot water. Contact local plumbers to discuss strategie­s for reducing power consumption from hot water syste­ms.

Source: https://refinedplumbingsunshinecoast.com.au/how-to-save-power-on-your-hot-water-system/

Images courtesy Refined plumbing Sunshine Coast